SMASH_UK has a vision.

“A World in which everyone holds the power to employ science and creativity for the good of humanity”.

We need your help to make that happen!

We are ‘not-for-profit’. And our events, programmes, festivals and activities are free at the point of delivery.

We have fantastic partners and funders. But the response to our programmes has been hugely positive, with many groups wanting us to work with them.  So we want to do more!

That’s where you could come in.

Please help us to:

Reach more community groups.

Get to more schools with our outreach.

Take our co-design programmes and festival pop-ups further afield – in 2017 we have traveled to Woolwich, Colindale, Bradford and Neath, finishing off in Gloucester, but have not been able to return.

Build online resources for families and schools.

Mentor young people into STEM education and careers.

Share our SMASH_UK vision with as many people as possible!

How can you help us?

– Share our vision and events via your social media channels and personal networks.

– And please donate what you can via the button below.

Everything helps! Thank you for being part of the SMASH_UK team and making a difference.
