Venue: The Albany, Orange Room, drop-in

Time: Friday & Saturday 10.00 – 18.00

Miho Janvier Virtual Reality Talk: Friday 16.00, Saturday 15.00, ticketed

Age Range: Suitable for age 9+


Dr. Miho Janvier


An immersive 3D experience to witness the birth and journey of a solar storm from the Sun to the Earth.

Solar Storm VR is a 3D immersive, high quality cinematographic experience of what it feels like to travel through a solar storm. Be an astronaut and travel in space to witness the birth and the journey of the storm. The experience uses science data from NASA and ESA space missions.

Plus come and mess around with some magnets and try writing a sunshine Haiku.


Virtual headset may not be suitable for a people who are sensitive to strong flashes and motion sickness.

Children must be supervised by parents/carers at all times.